Installation/Registration Questions
How do I install Wave Corrector on my computer?
Download the installation file, wcor_37.exe, from our website download page, and save it to a convenient location on your computer. Then, double click on the file icon to launch the Wave Corrector set-up program. This will install the program files and create an entry in your start menu.
There is no 'Register' command on Wave Corrector's Help Menu? How do I enter my name and key? or Why does Wave Corrector say it is registered to 'Fanlight Fanny'?
Wave Corrector uses various techniques to deter software piracy. One of these is to generate a spoof registration if an unauthorised key is detected. The spoof registration is in the name of 'Fanlight Fanny' and it locks out further attempts to register the program.
If you have previously used an unauthorised key and now want to enter a genuine registration, you will need to remove Wave Corrector from your computer and replace it with a new copy. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Un-install Wave Corrector:- Start the Windows Control Panel applet ?Add Remove Programs?; then select ?Wave Corrector from the list to un-install.
- Re-install Wave Corrector. (If you no longer have the original installation file, you can download it from our website at wavedl.)
- The ?Register Wave Corrector? command will now be available.
If you're curious about Fanlight Fanny, she was a notorious nightclub hostess immortalised in a song by the Lancashire comic actor George Formby. He performed the song in the film Trouble Brewing.
Why won't the program accept my user name and key?
Both the name and key are case sensitive so you have to enter them exactly as shown in your registration email. For example, if your name is shown as 'John Smith', do not enter 'john smith' or 'JOHN SMITH'. The key (eg 'ABCDEFGH') is always upper case. Also, make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces and that there is a single space between your first name and surname.
I placed my order on-line. Why haven't I received my key?
Registration keys are generated automatically when your order is processed. Therefore, you should receive your registration key within a few minutes of placing your order.
Occasionally registration emails can be blocked by over-enthusiastic spam filters. In the event of non delivery, please check your spam filter settings and contact Wave Corrector support for your key to be re-sent.
How do I un-install Wave Corrector?
With current versions of Wave Corrector there is an Un-install option under Start Menu/Programs/Wave Corrector.
Older versions are un-installed by opening Add/Remove Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel. Select "Wave Corrector" from the list and click the button "Add/Remove". This launches the Wave Corrector un-install program. All Wave Corrector files will be removed from your computer and all its registry entries will be deleted.